Values are our compass. They are how we choose to live our lives. Values are the principles that make us tick and help drive us. They can come in multiple forms:
- Fear-based vs. Conscious-based
- Aspirational
- Inspirational
- Core Values
- Permission-to-play Values
- Accidental Values
- Leadership Values
- Family Values
- Personal Values
- Professional values
We could go on and on.
In this exercise we want you to start with the values that make you feel alive, inspired, and ready to act.
Values are the “broad desirable goals that motivate people’s actions and serve as guiding principles in their lives”.
Personal values are desirable to an individual and represent what is important to someone. The same value in different people can elicit different behaviors, eg. if someone values success one person may work very hard to gain success in their career whereas someone else may take advantage of others to climb the career ladder.
A person can have many values with an individual assigning more importance to some values over others. It has been shown that the values that are most important to you often guide your decision making in all aspects of your life such as career, religion, social circles, self-identity, etc.
Let’s work on YOUR prototype:
Alignment with who you REALLY are.
- What makes you smile?
- What makes you mad?
- What, when present makes you feel alive?
The answer to these simple questions, will give you an insight of your VALUES. Now if you’ve never heard that term let me tell you a value is.
There are 2 types of values: fear-based or conscious based. Values based on fear are the ones that cause us to take action to avoid something. They are the “have to’s” or “shoulds”. Conscious values allow people to take positive action. They are the “want-to’s”.
Identify your values from the list below, circle YOUR top five VALUES.